Skills Transfers in Academia: a Renewed Strategy.
Enhancing Legal Clinics in the European Union.
Erasmus+ S.T.A.R.S. brings together 5 universities, from 4 EU countries, in order to enhance and support the legal clinics development


Romanian-American University Legal Clinic

The Romanian-American University’s School of Law is the only Law School in Romania that has developed sustainable legal clinics based on the American model.

As part of the project “Practical School: Innovation in higher education and success on the labor market” - POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, there were established the Center for Human Rights and Migration at the Romanian-American University, School of Law, and 4 legal clinics (Migration and Refugee Legal Clinic, Non-Discrimination Legal Clinic, Mental Disability Rights Legal Clinic, and Public Integrity and Corporate Social Responsibility Legal Clinic). These clinics have done research and provided legal advice to vulnerable groups while offering students practical training to develop their skills and legal competences since 2013.

In October 2018, the Legal Clinic on Human Rights and Consumers Law started to be developed under the Erasmus+ project “Skills Transfers in Academia: A Renewed Strategy Enhancing Legal Clinics in the European Union”. It has started to work as an informal activity in the second semester of 2018 when there was gathered a group of 12 students interested in research and street law activities on consumers law. 

Starting with the 2019-2020 university year, the Legal Clinic on Human Rights and Consumers Law is part of the Romanian-American Law School curriculum. It is a facultative class for the undergraduate students. The Clinic functions more as a research and street law clinic. It also may offer pro-bono legal advice or advocate for better policies (strategic litigation).


Teaching Clinical Professor: Silvia TABUSCA, PhD

Collaborative lawyer: Andra EFTIMIE, PhD



Legal Clinic on Consumers Law - Meetings

Romanian-American University's Scholl of Law students have started to participate in the activities of the informal Legal Clinic on Consumers Law

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Kick-off Conference at RAU

The Romanian-American University has organised the international conference that launched the European Erasmus+ project “Skills transfers in academia: A renewed strategy enhancing legal clinics in the European Union (STARS)”

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