Skills Transfers in Academia: a Renewed Strategy.
Enhancing Legal Clinics in the European Union.
Erasmus+ S.T.A.R.S. brings together 5 universities, from 4 EU countries, in order to enhance and support the legal clinics development


Database - The “shoulder surfing case” (Fraudulent withdrawals with visual capture of PIN) — Roma Tre University — Small Savers Protection Legal Clinic

PSD2 — Payment services— Cash machine fraud (shoulder surfing) —Gross negligence in keeping the personalized security credentials safe — Burden of proof.


Competence of the Legal clinic 1 conformity of consumer goods (Directive 1999/44/EC) 1 Contract to make up work 1 house rental 1 insurance company 1 insurance contract 1 liability for defective product 1 air carrier 1 BtC sale contract 1 cancellation of plane tickets due to the Covid-19 pandemic 1 cancellation of the flight 1 cancelled flight 1 car insurance 1 civil liability 1 code of conduct 1 compensation 2 Competence of the Legal clinic 11 conformity of consumer goods (Directive 1999/44/CE) 2 consumer 6 consumer goods 1 consumers’ rights 1 contract negotiated away from business premises 2 contractor 1 Covid 19 1 credit 1 credit agreement 1 credit agreement for consumer 1 credit card 1 credit company 1 damage to property 1 default of conformity 2 delayed flight 1 deposit 1 digital signature 1 duty to inform (Directive 2011/83/EU) 2 duty to inform (directive 2011/83/UE) 1 electricity 1 eneral terms and conditions; termination of the contract 1 exclusion clause 1 fairness 1 flight 1 flight delay 1 furniture 1 gas 1 good faith 1 gym subscription 1 insurance 1 insurance contract 1 insurance cover 1 insurer 1 investment 1 lack of consent 1 languages 1 liability for defective product 1 manufacturer 2 motor vehicle 1 motor vehicle accident 1 motor vehicle insurance 1 nullity of contract 1 off-premises contract 1 passenger 1 professional diligence 1 Regulation (EC) n°261/2004 1 Regulation (EC) n°261/2004; cancellation of plane tickets due to the Covid-19 pandemic 3 rental contract 1 right to terminate a loan contract 1 right to withdraw 1 Sale contract 1 sales contract 2 School fees 1 seller 1 service contract 1 the right to withdrawal 1 tickets for cancelled or postponed events 1 transnational dispute (Regulation (EC) n°593/2008) 1 Travel and holidays 1 unfair and misleading commercial practices 1 unfair commercial practices (Directive 2005/29/EC) 4 unfair commercial practices (Directive 2005/29/EU) 1 unsolicited supply 1 written easy-informative materials 1

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