Skills Transfers in Academia: a Renewed Strategy.
Enhancing Legal Clinics in the European Union.
Erasmus+ S.T.A.R.S. brings together 5 universities, from 4 EU countries, in order to enhance and support the legal clinics development




Small Savers Protection Legal Clinic— Roma Tre University — Database of Cases: Topics

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Opinion on the application of the EBA Opinion: Arguments on transitional rules for payment systems to migrate to ‘Strong Costumer Authentication’” — Roma Tre University — Small Savers Protection Legal Clinic

PSD2 — Payment services — Transitional rules for payment systems — Strong Costumer Authentication —Reg (UE) n. 2018/389 (RTS)— EBA Opinion on the elements of strong customer authentication under PSD2 of 21 June 2019.

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The “shoulder surfing case” (Fraudulent withdrawals with visual capture of PIN) — Roma Tre University — Small Savers Protection Legal Clinic

PSD2 — Payment services— Cash machine fraud (shoulder surfing) —Gross negligence in keeping the personalized security credentials safe — Burden of proof.

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Fraudulent withdrawals after a bank card is retained by an ATM — Roma Tre University — Small Savers Protection Legal Clinic

PSD2 — Payment services — Cash machine fraud — Lebanese loop — Undue delay in reporting the loss of the card — Gross negligence in using the payment instrument — Gross negligence in keeping the personalized security credentials safe — Real-time payments alerts.

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The “Supermarket snatching case” - Fraudulent withdrawals and purse-snatching — Roma Tre University — Small Savers Protection Legal Clinic

PSD2 — Payment services — Late notification of the theft of the payment instrument — Pickpocketing.

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Sim Swap Scam — Roma Tre University — Small Savers Protection Legal Clinic

PSD2 — Payment services — Sim swap scam — Strong customer authentication — Burden of proof — Identity thief — On-line banking account fraud — Independence of the elements of strong customer authentication.

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Line of credit rescinded due to overdraft — Roma Tre University — Small Savers Protection Legal Clinic

Opening of a line of credit — Rescission — Notice requirement — Statute of frauds in banking contracts — Credit-line extensions — Acquiescence on the part of the bank.

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Early repayment — Reduction in the total cost of the credit — Transparency — Roma Tre University — Small Savers Protection Legal Clinic

Credit agreements for consumers — Early repayment — Right of the consumer to a reduction in the total cost of the credit — Interest and the costs for the remaining duration of the contract — Transparency — Readability of graphic characters.

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Denial of mortgage loan - Roma Tre University - Small Savers Protection Legal clinic

Creditworthiness assessment — Denial of mortgage loan — Delay — Creditor’s pre-contractual duties — Negligence in submitting documentation — Probative value of screenshot.

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